We believe that your brand has the potential to be your ultimate superpower. Let us show you how…

About us

What makes us valuable?

Since 2010 we’ve been successfully delivering specialist branding expertise to businesses in Australia and beyond.

So what do our clients value about us?

Fundamentally, it’s our blend of strategic thinking coupled with creative execution. A mix of methodology and magic. We don’t overthink things, but the thinking we do is valuable.

We believe, because we have experienced it, that when your brand strategy and experience are aligned and on-point, it can truly be your ultimate superpower. It’s what builds credibility, emotional connection and preference. It’s what truly sets you apart.

We build the foundations a brand needs to be wildly successful. Flexible foundations that can evolve in volatile markets. Foundations that inspire experiences unlike anything else.

Who do we work with?

We work with a diverse range of brands that represent companies, products and services. We specialise in ‘brand’, not industry, and have worked across multiple sectors including FMCG, corporate, government, technology, logistics, sport and the world of place & property.

Some of our clients want to disrupt, innovate and create future markets. Some want to protect and evolve what they’ve built and others simply want a share of what already exists.

Who are we?

We are a team of communications professionals based in Sydney Australia.

We value experience yet embrace innovation. We are inquisitive and practical yet pioneering and bold.

TBMC was founded by Scott Dunn and Jonathan Samuel. For more information, check their profiles out here:

Scott Dunn Linkedin profile

Jonathan Samuel Linkedin profile